May 31, 2024 3:32 PM
Yukon Government Human Services – Y017 members are invited to attend Bargaining Input Sessions if they need assistance completing the Bargaining Input form. Most meetings will occur at the Lucy Jackson Training Room, YEU Hall (201-2285 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse).
Contact Y017 President, Darcy Kasper, if you have any questions. Members can also attend the meetings virtually or physically on their chosen dates. More details below:
Monday June 3, 12:00 - 1:30
ZOOM Meeting ID: 860 3275 8299
Passcode: 924262
Monday June 3, 5:30 - 7:00
ZOOM Meeting ID: 842 9813 9344
Passcode: 233553
Tuesday, June 4, 5:30 - 7:00 (Meeting Room B)
ZOOM Meeting ID: 844 3533 6273
Passcode: 354786
Thursday, June 6, 12:00 - 1:30
ZOOM Meeting ID: 862 6345 1337
Passcode: 291320
Friday, June 7, 12:00 - 1:30
ZOOM Meeting ID: 813 8854 5601
Passcode: 668436
Saturday, June 8, 1:00 - 2:30
ZOOM Meeting ID: 847 5973 5545
Passcode: 258490
Monday, June 10, 12:00 - 1:30
ZOOM Meeting ID: 873 2652 1253
Passcode: 821014
Wednesday, June 12, 5:30 - 7:00
ZOOM Meeting ID: 834 0507 4745
Passcode: 557337
Saturday, June 15, 1:00 - 2:30
ZOOM Meeting ID: 897 7585 8185
Passcode: 981921
May 18, 2023 11:23 AM
We would like to inform all members of Local Y017 about the revised work-site visit procedures that have been implemented.
Effective immediately, work-site visits will be conducted within a limited timeframe of ten to fifteen minutes. During these visits, the President's main focus will be to ensure the prompt and effective dissemination of crucial information. This will be achieved through the posting of important items on the Union Boards.
Despite the shorter duration, the President remains fully committed to addressing any questions, concerns, and advocating for the interests of all members. While we understand that there may be specific concerns or issues that require personalized attention, given the limited time during the work-site visits, we want to assure all members that the President is accessible and available to discuss any workplace matters, provide guidance, and listen to your ideas.
For those individuals who would like to schedule a personal meeting, we kindly request reaching out to the Local President directly via email at [email protected] or by phone at (867) 335-8744. By doing so, you can arrange a meeting outside of your regular work hours at a mutually convenient location. Additionally, we encourage all members to stay updated through the Local's events page, where upcoming events and opportunities for group interactions will be featured.
We extend our sincere appreciation for the understanding and cooperation of all members as we adapt to these revised work-site visit procedures. Together, we can continue working towards a stronger, more supportive work environment that values the voices and contributions of all individuals.
December 06, 2022 10:40 AM

Open Letter to Mr. Michael Hale and Mr. Van Randen:
My name is Darcy Kasper, and I am Yukon Employee’s Union, Local Y017 President. I am writing to both of you regarding the recent bonuses given to nurses and concerns with the lack of insight to including other professional areas within Health and Social Services. Members from all sectors of Health and Social Services have been in contact with me since the announcement of the bonuses. Members have expressed feeling under valued and that the recent email sent out to staff from your office was a slap in the face.
I would hope you are both aware of the staffing shortages in almost all areas of Yukon Government. With these shortages, staff have been expected to take on extra workloads to ensure mandates are being met. Seldom are the staff recognized for their efforts by management which has shown a growth in positions during this time.
In looking at specifics, Nursing Home Attendants, therapists, dietary, domestic aides have been front line of services in long-term care. Without these vital roles, long-term care would not be able to operate. These positions have more regular contact with residents. All these positions have worked understaffed for an extended period. While these healthcare workers realize the important role of nurses, the feelings shared with me have been that they are not valued and taken for granted. There are fears by some members that they will face retribution from management if they speak out on how they feel, a tactic used in several areas within Health and Social Services if staff speak up.
I’ve received emails and calls from Social Workers wondering why they are not seen as important as nurses. Family and Children’s Services has been operating well below staffing levels for several years in Whitehorse. With only three communities having Social Workers and the rest receiving drop-in services, I would think recruiting and retaining workers would be an important priority just as nursing appears to be. Social Workers reaching out to me have expressed a feeling of not being valued or appreciated for their services.
I wanted to reach out to support our Local Members and let you know that the bonuses only offered to nurses was taken personally by other professionals working beside the nurses or in other areas of Health and Social Service. Working through the pandemic, shortage of staff and the increased demands on individuals due to inflation continues to take it toll on members. Members are feeling under valued and taken for granted by Yukon Government as an employer. When they see the increase in management positions within workplaces and they are told do more with less, the feeling of being under valued is further embedded.
I would strongly encourage that bonuses or a show of appreciation for all workers needs to be initiated by The Department of Health and Social Services. The feeling of being more valued or less valued within a workplace can lead to resentment among a team. If this occurs, I hope that Health and Social Services will take ownership for what they have created by giving bonuses to one group while ignoring everyone else. Shortage of staff is not good enough reasoning; we all know that all areas within Health and Social Services are understaffed.
Thank you for your attention to concerns from employees within Health and Social Services. This could have all been avoided if dealt at Bargaining, where it belongs and we have been in for the past year.
Darcy Kasper
Local Y017 President
February 04, 2021 12:43 PM
Is fairness at work important to you?
Are you interested in learning more about your rights and sharing knowledge with your co-workers? If so, we want you to consider becoming a Shop Steward.
Shop Stewards are the representatives of the Union in the workplace. You can read more about the role of the steward here.
We are currently recruiting Shop Stewards in most workplaces. Contact your Chief Shop Steward or Local President - Darcy Kasper for details on becoming a Steward in your Local. Contact information is on the Local page of the website.
If you think this role is for you, we hope you'll join us for this course. It will give you the knowledge and skills to be an effective advocate for your co-workers.
We'll be meeting online by Zoom over 4 sessions. To participate, you'll need a computer with internet and a quiet place. After this course, new Shop Stewards will receive mentoring with experienced Stewards and access to many advanced workshops and training.
Our sessions are: February 9, 11, 16 and 18 from 9am to 11am
All YEU education is free with no loss of pay for members taking courses on their work time.
Save a spot by clicking HERE.
Not sure this role is for you? There are many ways to build a stronger Union presence. Contact your Local President or us at the YEU office to find out more.
July 31, 2020 2:58 PM
Start Time: 6:00pm
Location: YEU Hall
Elections will be held for the following Local Y017 Executive positions:
President and 1st Vice President
Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Shop Steward, and 3 directors.
Some of these positions are short term, and will be re-elected at the 2021 AGM, so it's a perfect time to get involved on a short term 8 month position or on a longer term position.
We will have $400 in gift certificates as door prizes supporting the following local business
* Air North
* Burnt Toast
* Baked
* Burnt Toast
* Chocolate Claim
* Blackbird Bakery
* Java Connection
***We will not be serving food, as usual due to Covid-19 restrictions. Hot and Cold beverages will be provided.
***Covid-19 precautions will be in place with masks and hand sanitizer available for your use. Seating will be set up to maintain social distancing during the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you and if you have any questions, contact your local President and Vice President via [email protected]
February 26, 2020 1:35 PM
Local Y017 is challenging members of the local to create a new Local Y017 logo that will be used for the website, printed material as well as other related Local Y017 items.
* The Logo must include the words "Local Y017"
* The Logo must be the original art of the submitter
* The Logo should only use the following colours Black, Red, and White
* The Logo should be related through graphics to represent Local Y017 - Human Health Services
* The Logo may be created using pencils, crayons, markers, and/or paint. Or created on a computer.
* The Logo should be simple, legible, and easy to reproduce.
* The Logo must be created and submitted by Local Y017 Member in good standing.
Submission Format:
Designs must be submitted in any of the following formats: jpg, tiff, or pdf (if a hard-copy design sketch is submitted, it must be scanned or otherwise rendered into one of the above computer formats and submitted). Images can be larger than, but must be no smaller than, six inches by six inches (6"x6").
Winning Design $150
1st Runner Up $100
2nd Runner Up $50
March 24, 2020
Submit Designs to: [email protected]
Disclaimer: The winning design will be copyrighted and will be solely owned by Local Y017; the creator of the design will disclaim any trademarks and without any limitations all rights related to the design. The designer will sign in acknowledgement that he/she is the person that created the logo and is the rightful owner. The designer also certifies that the logo does not infringe upon the rights of any third party and does not violate any copyright. The designs of logos that are not chosen as the Winning Design, will retain full ownership of their design and Y017 and YEU will never use their artwork for reproduction of any kind.
February 25, 2020 10:49 PM
December 09, 2019 10:04 PM
In January 2020 we will be posting more information about a logo contest to replace the outdated Local Y017 Logo. It will be open to all Y017 Members and there will be prizes for the top two designs.
Start thinking about it now...
What does Local Y017 Health and Human Services mean to you and the community. It is a Yukon Government Local representing over 1200 members across the Yukon in the Health and Human Services profession.
Stay Tuned!
Want more information, send email inquiries to: [email protected]
December 09, 2019 10:03 PM
February 27, 2019 1:42 PM
Annual General Meeting
March 28, 2019
Your Local Y017 Annual General Meeting is coming up for 2019.
With your attendance, your name will be entered into a draw for one of three $100 Air North Gift Certificates.
We will have a social hour for the first portion of our AGM beginning at 5:30pm, with food and non-alcoholic beverages, for introductions and questions.
Business will begin at 6:00 pm with a presentation of annual reports and finish with elections of executives at 7:30 pm.
We have several vacant Executive Board of Director Positions to be filled and we will be offering a bi-annual Honoria for participation as a Director on the Board. The time commitment for any of these positions includes attending a 1 to 2 hour monthly meeting for Local Y017. Any other commitments would be voluntary basis for special events.
Available Positions:
2nd Vice President
Chief Shop Steward
Four (4) Directors
If you would like more information about any of the available Local Y017 Executive Director positions or further information about the Annual General Meeting, please email Local Y017 at [email protected]