Shop Stewards are trained representatives of the union in the workplace.
Each union Local has a network of Stewards who voluntarily serve their co-workers by informing them of their rights and responsibilities under the Collective Agreement. They answer questions, help resolve problems, handle grievances, and educate fellow workers about policies of the union.
Stewards are available in most departments or areas of your workplace. Study your Collective Agreement with the assistance of your local Steward, who can help you understand your rights at work. Contact your Chief Shop Steward to obtain the name of the Steward serving your work area or call YEU’s Intake Advisor at 667-2331.
To find out more about the work of Shop Stewards, download the Getting Started Guide
Shop Steward Calendar
SUBMIT Your Approved Leave Form
To be eligible for paid union leave when you attend training or represent a member, your employer must authorize your leave. Please complete the form below and upload your approved leave form, take a screenshot of a leave approval email or similar document that shows your leave is authorized. These can all be uploaded using the drag and drop or upload feature.
Please click here access the form.
Interested in becoming a Steward?
We want to hear from you! Talk to your Local President or Chief Shop Steward about how to get involved. Stewards help strengthen the presence of the union in the workplace.
The Getting Started Guide is a good resource to give you an overview of the role of Shop Steward.
Once you have decided to take this step, YEU will make sure you get the training you need to feel confident in this important role. Every few months, we offer the 2-day Shop Steward Orientation. Stewards deepen their learning with mentoring with experienced stewards and ongoing learning at our Shop Steward Round Table sessions on the third Wednesday morning of each month. Visit our Events calendar to learn more about upcoming Union Education opportunities.
You can participate in all YEU union education without any loss of pay; most collective agreements have language permitting you to access union training without any interruption in pay. You do need to submit your leave form with the proper union leave articles cited - ask us how, if you're not sure.
Contact YEU's Shop Steward Coordinator Marianne Goebel with any questions on the role of Shop Steward and educational opportunities.
Shop Steward Handbook
Drop by the Union Hall to pick up a copy of our Shop Steward Handbook or use the download link, below. It is a guidebook to the job, useful to keep on hand at your workplace along with your collective agreement, employer policies, and other training material.
Download the complete Shop Steward Handbook
Download or review individual Handbook chapters:
Unions and Stewards – An introduction to our union and how it is organized. Learn more about how Shop Stewards fit into that picture, and about the qualities that make a strong Steward.
Understanding your Collective Agreement – Your Collective Agreement is the most important document for a Shop Steward. Learn where it comes from and get some tips for reading and understanding it.
Representing the Union – Shop Stewards work with members when they run into conflicts with the employer, but they also keep members connected with each other and with union staff. That part of your role is explained here.
Representing at Discipline Meetings – Learn how you can assist your co-workers when disciplinary issues arise, or when they are called to a fact-finding meeting.
Representing at Grievances – Understand your role as a representative when members want to complain about workplace practices or employer decisions.
Additional Resources – Links to online resources and brief guides to topics of interest
- Glossary of Labour Terms
Unions and Stewards – An introduction to our union and how it is organized. Learn more about how Shop Stewards fit into that picture, and about the qualities that make a strong Steward.
Grievance Procedure Documents
Yukon Government:
- Yukon Grievance Jurisdiction
- Definitions - YG Collective Agreement
- Yukon Employees' Union YG Grievance Procedure
- YG Suspensions or Dismissals
Grievance Procedure and Processes:
Forms for Stewards
- Grievance & Fact-Finding Meeting Form (PDF to print)
Grievance & Fact-Finding Meeting Form: FILLABLE PDF - requires adobe reader
- Shop Steward Record of Complaint: ONLINE form submission
- Shop Steward Record of Complaint (PDF to print)
Final Level Grievance Checklist
- Generic Grievance Form (word document will download)
Generic Grievance Form (PDF to Print)
Generic Grievance Form (Fillable PDF requires adobe reader)
- Education Application [pdf]
Here are all the relevant labour legislation that apply to our workplaces.
All Yukon employees are covered by the:
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Most non-Yukon Government employees are covered by the:
Yukon Employment Standards Act
and are regulated by the
Canada Industrial Relations Board
All Yukon government employees are covered by the:
and are regulated by the
Yukon Public Service Labour Relations Act.
Airline companies are federally regulated, so Air North’s Flight Attendants are covered under the:
Frequently Asked Questions
Shop Stewards get asked lots of questions. Helping members find the answers themselves empowers members and strengthens the union.
You can find the answers to many typical questions here
Training Opportunities*
- Shop Steward Round Table Sessions
- Shop Steward Orientations & Conferences
- PSAC North Training Opportunities (updated regularly)
*Shop Stewards will not lose pay to attend union training. All stewards must complete and submit a signed union leave form. Clearly identify the appropriate contract clauses permitting leave without pay to attend union training on your request for leave. YEU has an agreement with employers, but the form is required by our Finance Officer.
YEU union training is offered during the day. If you work evenings or nights, you can still participate.
The process to take Union Training Leave for evening and night shift workers, AOC and casuals is as follows:
If an individual is scheduled to work in the 8 hours proceeding or following training, they will receive payment for that shift. That would mean if they are scheduled for a 12-hour shift, they would be able to take the whole shift off, as in most cases employers will not cover a portion of a shift.
If an AOC/casual is scheduled for a shift they shall receive union leave for that shift. If they are not scheduled but receive a call in for a day that they are on training and can provide proof that they in fact received a call for a shift and had to decline it because of training then they will be paid for the shift.
If you are an AOC or Casual, please contact your Chief Shop Steward or our Education Officer with any questions.
PSAC Steward Resources
- Shop Steward’s Webpage
- Training Portal (you will need to create an account & log-in)
Member Confidentiality
When a YEU member calls us for assistance, one pressing concern is the protection of their privacy. We are entrusted with information critical to the grievance process; how we manage that information must be consistent with our commitment to the member.
All Stewards are to deliver grievance materials related to their work with members to the Union Hall for secure storage upon completion of a case. No member files are permanently stored in the Steward’s office or home.
Bulletin Board Materials
If you are a Shop Steward and have not had your photo taken by our Communications Officer, please call the hall and set up an appointment. We'll create a poster for your workplace Union bulletin board with your photo & name, identifying you as a Shop Steward.
Many more items are available for your Union Bulletin Board. Please contact YEU Shop Steward Advisor Jon Deline and let him know your workplace union board needs updating. Someone at our office will coordinate with you to provide the latest bulletin board materials. Email [email protected] or call 867-667-2331 ext. 119.
Need Business Cards?
YEU provides trained and mentored Shop Stewards with business cards to assist in their Steward work. If you have completed your training and would like to receive business cards, please complete the form linked here.