Yukon Government Human Services – Y017

Local Y017 President Community Visit

President Darcy Kasper is planning visits to the Local Y017 Community Workplaces Union Boards in September. 

Monday, September 9:     Ross River Health Centre and Faro Health Centre
Tuesday, September 10:  Carcross Health Centre, Regional Social Services, and Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services
Monday, September 16:   Beaver Creek Health Centre, and Destruction Bay Health Centre
Tuesday, September 17:  Teslin Health Centre, and Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services
Monday, September 23;   Pelly Crossing Health Centre, Regional Social Services, Carmacks Health Centre, Regional Social Services, and Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services
Tuesday, October 1st:  Haines Junction Health Centre, Regional Social Services, Home Care, and Mental Wellness and Substance Use Service

Contact Y017 President, Darcy Kasper, if you have any questions. 


New Monthly Meeting Schedule

The Y017 monthly meetings hold on the 3rd Thursday of every month. To help you plan ahead, we have prepared a printable copy of the meeting schedule from August 2023 until the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM), which you can print for your workplace board.

All events are also now available on the Local Y017 events calendar. RSVP to [email protected] for in-person or virtual attendance.

Mark your calendars and join us for the meetings as your active involvement is crucial to the success of our community.

Link to Printable Schedule

Members Vote to Ratify New Collective Agreement

Extraordinary attendance was observed at contract ratification meetings held across the Yukon last week. After today’s ballot count, we can say that Yukon Government workers have voted overwhelmingly to accept the tentative deal, ratifying their new contract.

This Collective Agreement, retroactive to January 1, 2022, will be in effect until December 31, 2024. Yukon Employees’ Union and the Public Service Alliance of Canada represent this bargaining unit, numbering approximately 3500 members. Read Media Release

Important Update: Revised Work-Site Visit Procedures

Effective immediately, work-site visits for Local Y017 members will be limited to ten to fifteen minutes, prioritizing prompt information dissemination through Union Boards. The President remains committed to addressing concerns, advocating for members' interests, and is accessible for personalized discussions outside of regular work hours. Please reach out directly to schedule meetings and stay updated through the Local's events page for a stronger, supportive work environment valuing everyone's contributions.

Learn more HERE.

PSAC North & PIPSC Secure Health Authority Agreement

Dear Members,

We have good news to share! In collaboration with the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), PSAC North has worked to secure a multi-union interim agreement prior to the government finalizing legislation for a new Yukon Health Authority (see the Memorandum of Understanding attached).


Need a Shop Steward?

Having trouble at work? Looking for someone to talk through an issue with or who can answer your questions about the Collective Agreement? Shop Stewards are trained volunteers who act on behalf of members in the workplace. They're your first stop when you're looking for answers or when something doesn't feel right on the job. Click the Shop Steward icon for a directory.

We always need more Shop Stewards!
Consider taking on the role of union representative yourself. Becoming a workplace advocate is a powerful way to support your colleagues and build a stronger union.
Learn more HERE.

You can also reach out for assistance using the YEU Online Intake Form 24 hours a day. Someone from the YEU Hall will contact you within 2 business days.

Your Collective Agreement


  • Government of Yukon
  • Public Service Alliance of Canada
  • Yukon Employees’ Union

Term of Agreement

January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024


Documents are formatted as PDFs

Over the term of the agreement, annotations highlighting changes and corrections may be added

Collective Agreement

Complete Collective Agreement English (PDF)

Complete Collective Agreement French (PDF)

Complete bylaws, last updated 2024

Your Executive

Membership (person level):
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