AGM - Y018 Klondike Visitors Association

Y018 25th AGM, May 7th at 3pm at KIAC/ODDS Hall in Dawson, YT

Come celebrate our 25 anniversary. AGM will be held before orientation.   Its a big day filled with getting ready for the season food will be served.

Meeting Agenda: 

Bylaw Change

Elections for Vice-President

Secretary/Treasurer or Secretary & Treasurer

Forming of Committee

Introduction to Yukon Employees' Union

Proposed Bylaw Changes: 

By-Law 4: Executive Committee

Section 1 to read: 

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following elected officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer and Chief Shop Steward.

Section 2 to read: 

Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected on odd number year.

Section 4 to read: 

A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be President or Vice-President and Secretary or Treasurer or Secretary/Treasurer and Chief Shop Steward.

By-Law 5: Duties of Officers

Section 3 to read: 

The Secretary/Treasurer or Secretary and Treasurer. 


Tony Thomas, YEU Communities Vice-President will be attending.
All Y018 Members are welcome to attend. See you at the AGM


Date and time
May 07, 2019 at 3:00pm - 6pm
Sherry Masters · · 403 837 2532

Let us know you're coming

Membership (person level):
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