Y012 AGM - April 23rd

YEU/PSAC Local Y012
Yukon Women's Transition Home Society

AGM Saturday, April 23rd at 12 PM.

The event will be held in the Local Room at the YEU Hall and via Zoom. 

Our Local meetings are the place to build strength as a group, identify issues, and establish our priorities.

YEU Vice President, Justin Lemphers will be joining us in person. 

     *We will be holding elections for the positions of:

     * President

     * VP

     * Chief Shop Steward

     * Secretary/Treasurer (1 person)

     * Shop Steward 

You are an important part of keeping our Local Strong!

Please RSVP with the link below. Hope to see you at the meeting!

To Join via Zoom, please click the link below:

Join Zoom

Date and time
April 23, 2022 at 12:00pm - 2pm
Zoom / Local Room

Let us know you're coming

Membership (person level):
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