Local Y023 & Local Y022 have merged!
Visit Whitehorse Municipal Employees - Local Y046 for more information.
Need a Shop Steward?
Having trouble at work? Looking for someone to talk through an issue with or who can answer your questions about the Collective Agreement? Shop Stewards are trained volunteers who act on behalf of members in the workplace. They're your first stop when you're looking for answers or when something doesn't feel right on the job.
Your Collective Agreement
Whitehorse Transit (Local Y022)
- City of Whitehorse
- Public Service Alliance of Canada
- Yukon Employees’ Union
Term of Agreement
September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2021
Collective Agreement
Ratification Kit
These documents can be downloaded or printed if desired. Over the term of the agreement, annotations highlighting changes and corrections may be added.