Whitehorse Municipal Workers - Local Y046

DBplus Group CAAT Pension Purchase and Meetings:

The following important message from the DBplus team and your employer is shared at the request of your union Local.

Dear Local Y046 Employees:

We are excited to announce that your purchase package is on the way! (Mailed on February 27, 2023)

As a member of the CAAT Plan, you can now increase your DBplus pension by making a pension purchase.

While waiting to receive your purchase package, we encourage you to visit the DBplus purchase webpage...     READ MORE

This information was also contained in an email sent to members of Local Y046 March 15, 2023


Our newly negotiated collective agreement has been ratified, and the final version of the contract is now available for review by clicking here.

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Need a Shop Steward?

Having trouble at work? Looking for someone to talk through an issue with or who can answer your questions about the Collective Agreement? Shop Stewards are trained volunteers who act on behalf of members in the workplace. They're your first stop when you're looking for answers or when something doesn't feel right on the job. Click the Shop Steward icon for a directory.

We always need more Shop Stewards!
Consider taking on the role of union representative yourself. Becoming a workplace advocate is a powerful way to support your colleagues and build a stronger union.
Learn more HERE.

You can also reach out for assistance using the YEU Online Intake Form 24 hours a day. Someone from the YEU Hall will contact you within 2 business days.


YEU/PSAC Local Y046, Whitehorse Municipal Workers is the newly combined local for all City of Whitehorse workers previously represented by Local Y022 (Whitehorse Transit) and Local Y023 (City of Whitehorse). 

This decision was reached following many discussions between the two Locals and their Executive members and was formalized in meetings in early June of 2021. 

A few key points:

  • All members of Locals Y022 and Y023 now belong to Local Y046, Whitehorse Municipal Employees
  • Locals Y022 and Y023 have ceased to exist independently
  • Members retain their existing PSAC Union Member ID number
  • New Collective Agreement, currently in effect, incorporates both previous bargaining units as a single unit under one contract.
  • All existing Shop Stewards will continue to serve the combined Local, and we will try to assign Stewards to similar or nearby work units. 
  • Local Y046 invites members to join the Health & Safety Committee and Job Evaluation Team.

Collective Agreement: Sep 2021 - Aug 2026

LOU-1 Bylaw Change of Hours

Local Y046 BYLAWS, 2022


Your Collective Agreement

Whitehorse Municipal Workers


  • City of Whitehorse
  • Public Service Alliance of Canada
  • Yukon Employees’ Union

Terms of Agreement

September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2026

Collective Agreement 

Ratification Kit

*Local Y023

*Local Y022 Transit

Your Executive

Membership (person level):
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