Please join us!
We'll be serving food (Maureen is making us up some food!) and refreshments and having multiple door prize draws for gift cards.
YEU President Steve Geick will be meeting with us on Zoom.
* We'll be holding elections for the positions of President and Secretary/Treasurer
* Join us to discuss our collective agreement Bargaining Input.
* Begin planning for the YEU Triennial Convention in October, and discuss delegate selection.
* Listen to stories about how the union has helped other members!
* Ask questions!
Is anyone interested in Simple Sec/Treas work? We need to fill this position because Kim will be stepping down.
You are an important part of keeping our Local Strong!
Please RSVP today for the meeting and we will ensure a full Executive is elected. Hope to see you at the meeting!
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 868 0946 9810
Passcode: 334574
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Meeting ID: 868 0946 9810