Introducing Local Y048 (Connective) Inaugural Local Executive
Congratulations, Local Y048 (Connective) members!
Your inaugural Local Executive has been established, fulfilling an important role as the conduit for information and support between the members and the Yukon Employee's Union (YEU). To achieve your first collective agreement, which will establish the foundation of your working relationship with Connective, your employer, the Local Executive will need your support and engagement.
Their top priorities include formalizing the members of the bargaining team, collecting the group's priorities and asks for the details of the contract, developing and activating three new Shop Stewards, and scheduling regular Executive meetings that are open to all members.
At YEU, we are available to answer any questions or concerns the members may have about their local's development organizing activity. We will continue to be present in your workplaces upon request for representation in meetings with managers and any issues relating to your working relationship with your employer.
Don't hesitate to reach out to any of us if you or a co-worker have any questions or concerns about your Union membership, involvement, and benefits via [email protected] or by calling Membership Services: (867) 667-2331.
We are here to help!