YG Accommodations Meet and Greet for Shop Stewards

Join us for a Yukon Government (YG) Accommodations Meet and Greet, which will be held as a hybrid event on Monday, July 10, 2023. This gathering aims to enhance your understanding of accommodations and return to work processes within YG, enabling you to better support our members. Venue is YEU Boardroom, YEU Hall (201-2285 2nd Avenue, Whitehorse) and virtually (RSVP for the link).

Key Topics to be Covered:

  • Policies, processes, and expectations regarding accommodations
  • Procedures for managing return to work situations
  • Employer and employee roles and responsibilities
  • Effective utilization of the accommodation process
  • Exploring challenges and best practices

RSVP: Kindly RSVP by Friday, July 7th to confirm your attendance. Your prompt response will assist us in finalizing the necessary arrangements.

Please note that this gathering is not an opportunity for grievances. It is dedicated to providing a forum to ask relevant questions, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.

If you have specific issues or concerns regarding accommodation, please complete the online YEU intake form.


Date and time
July 10, 2023 at 9:00am - 12:30pm
YEU Hall & Zoom
Jon Deline ·

Let us know you're coming

Membership (person level):
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