WCC Workers Town Hall Meeting #1

The employer has again let us know they want to change your hours of work. They have requested that a committee be created to review the issue and provide recommendations to YG and to YEU.

This issue has come up before, and we need your input to inform our actions at the bargaining table.

We have planned two ZOOM meetings where you and your co-workers can talk with the bargaining team, and we hope you will attend whichever one suits your schedule.

We also want to hear your thoughts on staffing levels and Occupational Health & Safety concerns.

Please join this important conversation; we don't want to speak for you without first speaking with you.

Please RSVP below: ZOOM details will be in your confirmation email.

Date and time
January 03, 2022 at 7:00pm - 10pm

Let us know you're coming

Membership (person level):
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