Vicarious Trauma -Strategies for Resilience

Tuesday, October 18th, 9am to 5pm by Zoom

Please click on the SEND RSVP button below to register.

Stewards and staff regularly encounter members with stories and symptoms of trauma. There is growing evidence that the impact of directly supporting others through experiences of trauma goes beyond burnout or fatigue. The toll of witnessing intense human experiences and emotions can contribute to a negative transformation of one's own sense of safety, and of being competent and purposeful.

This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to examine their own experiences and become aware of the signs of both vicarious trauma and vicarious growth. Participants will have the opportunity to develop a personalized plan to repair negative effects as well as accelerate their resilience.

The YEU has contracted the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute to facilitate this important course.

Some of the topics included:

  • Signs of Vicarious Trauma
  • Anchor Points that Keep You Solid and Steady
  • Empathy – A Vicarious Experience
  • Building Self-Awareness of the Impact of Working with Trauma
  • External Factors Impacting the Effects of Trauma Work
  • Individual Factors Impacting the Effects of Trauma Work
  • Recognize the Sound and Feel of Your Alarm
  • Strategies for Building Empathic Resilience
  • Practicing Vicarious Resilience
  • Building a Personalized Plan

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the process of vicarious impact on a helper from working with trauma
  • Distinguish between the concepts of secondary stress, vicarious trauma, and vicarious resilience
  • Identify key vulnerabilities and strengths in one’s own practice as a helper
  • List strategies for the transformation of vicarious impact into resilience

Can't join us on October 18th? Click on the link below or a free 1-hour webinar on vicarious trauma:

Free 1 hour webinar

Date and time
October 18, 2022 at 9:00am - 4pm

Let us know you're coming

Membership (person level):
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