Looking for a copy of your new YG Collective Agreement?

When will the new Yukon Government Workers contract be updated on the website? How do I get a hard copy?

Once the contract has been signed by all parties, both the union and the employer’s legal teams review to ensure the language reflects the intent agreed to at the bargaining table. Once it’s been signed off by legal, the contract document is created, edited for accuracy, and sent to be printed. This can take several months, and a digital file is usually available before hard copies are printed.

Until the new digital and hard copies are available, please refer to the old Collective Agreement AND the Ratification Kit; combined, those create the current document.

Watch your email inbox and your Local webpage for the finalized digital copy. If you’d like a hard copy, you can request one from your supervisor or HR office. The employer prints the contracts and is responsible for their distribution to members.



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