Justin Lemphers has over 17 years of union experience, representing workers across the Yukon and multiple employers. He brings a wealth of community and political experience to Yukon Employees’ Union. You may see him in your Local meetings, delivering training, or facilitating workshop sessions. Justin is eager to get to work and learn more about your issues and workplaces.

Lisa Vollans-Leduc secured her inaugural union position with the Canadian Auto Workers Local 444 in Windsor, Ontario, working on the factory floor. Upon relocating to Whitehorse, Yukon in 2003, Lisa promptly integrated into the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Yukon Employees’ Union while employed with the Government of Yukon. Lisa dedicates her efforts to labour and social activism, particularly emphasizing inclusion and equity. If you ever require a meme, they will have one ready for you.

Julie Anne Abel is a passionate activist who has fought for the marginalized since her earliest memories. Her deep connection to the community of Mayo is unwavering, and she thrives within its embrace. With an enduring love for the outdoors, she actively contributes as a dedicated member of the Canadian Rangers.

Tammi Johnson

Amie Angel
Indigenious Director

Alex Garcia

Meghan Gusnowski

Darcy Kasper

Lisa Keenan

Alicia Kenwell
Director, Immigrant, Refugee, Protected People

Jordan Laudon

Kat Traplin
Equity Director

Roberta Wurtak